The next big technological break through is going to require major increase in household bandwidth. Internet bandwidth has to increase, to 1.5 mb upload and download speeds. This will result in a major entertainment breakthrough, change if you prefer. Entertainment is going the way of the VHS cassette. DVD's (and whats that blue disc called?) is going the same place as the VHS cassette.
We will all be downloading our videos, onto a tablet, like the apple mini ipad.
Meetings will become virtual meetings, with a set of glasses that enable us to watch video, have meetings and exercise. The biggest development will be in the gaming industry. The next step will find us in the game, playing as the character.
Initially we will go to a building and play at a center especially developed to host these virtual games. As internet progresses and develops into a household necessity, we will see more of these online virtual games coming into the home.
It will be marketed as a exercise opportunity. Kids and alpha males will love having the opportunity of partaking in the virtual world.
Overnight billionaires will spring up around this new technology.
As with everything, there will be the detractors, the 'critics' and those that just plain see the downside in everything. Like the kittyhawk, there will be the religious condemning this as demonic. However, it will grow due to popularity and fast replace the old Television, the Xbox and or even the home PC.