Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Change the economy

Obviously business today is not the same as yesterday and tomorrow seems to be a crap shoot.  Business used to be dominated by the administrators and capitalists really took greed to a whole new down and low. What’s the future hold?
I see a future where creativity is ‘key’. The creative people are going to dominate business. Its going to take a creative thinker to get our present day economy up and running, and this will overflow into new start ups. Businesses of tomorrow (and to some extent today) are going to be more creative and less administrative. More and more people are moving out of the office and into a remote business concept. Outsourcing of many staff functions that were once in house (like call centers) are fast becoming outsourced. Commuting to and from the central workplace is fast becoming a thing of the past. More and more people will be working from home. This has so many advantages for everybody, but requires a creative mind to manage this type of ‘office’.
The key to increased home offices spring up, is linked to broadband internet. The faster the internet gets, the more data is pushed down and upstream. This causes bottle necks of data. The internet needs larger coverage in rural areas. Once the jump is made from a physical line to radio based system, with a major increase in speed, we could see our whole economy change.
I see so many opportunities in the internet development. Business is really not coming close to touching the potential that the world wide net has to offer. I am surprised that so few actually see this potential? Perhaps there is a concerted effort to ignore this? The thing with the internet is that its really hard to control the flow of information. As we have seen in Egypt and China, that the internet is a wonderful tool in the hands of a creative youth, but dangerous to the ruling political party. Maybe, this is the reason we have not seen the explosive development that needs to take place to change our economy. Changing the economy will see to a power shift. As the administrators loose control, this influence is handed over to the creative people. A paradigm shift is taking we are living in the midst of the most exciting changes of world economy ever!

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